Whistleblower alleges Multco “culture of medical fraud” included billing errors, forcible psych holds without medical cause

Barbara Alexander-Brown (R) in 2005, as a medical student at OHSU

Barbara Alexander-Brown (R) in 2005, as a medical student at OHSU

The Oregonian, March 7, 2014

A former Multnomah County compliance officer is alleging the county ignored improper medical billing by private healthcare providers that, she says, has cost local and federal taxpayers millions of dollars.

Barbara Alexander-Brown filed her whistleblower lawsuit Friday morning in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

READComplaint filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court (PDF, 1.4MB)

The former employee of the Department of County Human Services alleges her bosses repeatedly told her to overlook instances of providers unlawfully billing the county for services. When she refused to obey, she says, she faced scolding, retaliation and, ultimately, termination.

Alexander-Brown is seeking $985,000 in damages for loss of income and benefits as a result of her firing, plus emotional and mental distress…. Continue reading at OregonLive.com