TONIGHT: Poetry And Madness: A Reading To Benefit Portland Hearing Voices

Featuring prominent poets Emily Kendal Frey, Zachary SchomburgJames Gendron, and Sara Guest reading at Someday Lounge 125 NW 5th Avenue (at Davis) in Portland.

Join Portland Hearing Voices for an evening of madness and mental health related poetry featuring prominent poets, in a benefit reading to support support groups, education, and community building for mental diversity in Portland.

$10 donation and no one turned away for lack of funds

Download the flyer / poster for the event here.

Emily Kendal Frey, emilykendalfrey, lives in Portland, Oregon and teaches at Portland Community College. She is the author of the chapbooks Airport (Blue Hour 2009), Frances(Poor Claudia 2010), and The New Planet (Mindmade Books, 2010).

Zachary Schomburg, is the author of The Man Suit (Black Ocean 2007) andScary, No Scary (Black Ocean 2009). His Russian translations of Andrei Sen-Senkov are in Jacket, Harp & Altar, Circumference and Mantis. His collaborations with Emily Kendal Frey are in jubilat, Sir!, Anti-, and Mary. Some of his poem films are at Dear Camera and the rest can be viewed at Vimeo. He teaches film, literature, and writing at Portland State University and Portland Community College. With Mathias Svalina, he co-edits Octopus Magazine and Octopus Books.

James Gendron, was born and raised in Portland, Maine. He was the Lou Reed/Delmore Schwartz Scholar at Syracuse University, and his poems have appeared in The Indiana Review and The Brooklyn Review.

Sara Guest is a poet, novelist and William Stafford Writing Fellow. She works as a program coordinator for Write Around Portland and is a Delve guide for Literary Arts. Recent work is available online at and Sir!

About Portland Hearing Voices: Founded by schizophrenia survivor Will Hall, Portland Hearing Voices organizes support groups, educational events, holistic alternatives, training, and counseling resources for people who experience voices, extreme states, visions, and different realities often labeled as psychosis, bipolar, and schizophrenia. (Fiscally sponsored by Mental Health Association of Portland.) Learn more about Portland Hearing Voices and