Mike Conley
Conley was shot by Salem police officer David Baker on April 30. Baker responded to a call from Conley’s wife stating they were having a domestic dispute. Police say Conley came at the officer with a knife, ordered the officer to shoot him, and the officer complied. Family members told police or media Conley suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Obituary: Michael Leon Conley, Legacy.com/Statesman Journal, May 9, 2014
Knife-wielding man shot by Salem police officer dies at hospital, KPTV.com, May 1, 2014
Man, 47, shot by Salem officer in domestic disturbance has died, The Oregonian, May 1, 2014
Armed man fatally shot by Salem officer, KGW.com, May 1, 2014
Man shot by Salem officer dies at hospital, KATU.com, April 30, 2014
Man dies after officer-involved shooting, KOIN.com, April 30, 2014
Man injured in Salem officer-involved shooting was shot in the head, The Oregonian, April 30, 2014
Man shot by Salem police officer dies
Salem Statesman Journal, May 1, 2014
A man was shot at least once in the head by a Salem Police officer after threatening the officer with a knife in northeast Salem early Wednesday, April 30.
It started when Officer David Baker was dispatched to the Salem Arbor Townhouse Condominiums, in the 4700 block of Lancaster Drive NE, on a report of a domestic disturbance at 7:13 a.m.
When Baker arrived, he was confronted by 47-year-old Michael Conley, who was brandishing a knife.
According to Salem Police, Conley advanced on Baker with the knife, despite orders to put the knife down. An officer could be heard over the scanner telling dispatchers: “He’s coming at me with the knife, telling me to shoot him.”
When Conley didn’t put the knife down, Baker shot him. Officers administered emergency medical aid until medics arrived to transport Conley to Salem Hospital.
Marion County Deputy District Attorney Amy Queen said in a press release Wednesday evening that Conley was struck in the head at least once by a round fired by Baker.
As of Wednesday evening, he was in critical condition.
Queen said that Conley was in a violent domestic dispute with his wife Heidi Conley, 43, who called 911 when she was threatened. Heidi Conley was not injured in the dispute or shooting that followed.
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the scene, and then Oregon State Police. Officials investigated the scene for evidence related to the shooting, as well as interviewed neighbors and witnesses.
Baker, who was uninjured in the incident, has been placed on administrative leave, as is common procedure with an officer-involved shooting. He has been employed with the Salem Police Department for 14 months.
The Marion County District Attorney’s Office has taken over investigating the incident, along with the Oregon State Police Criminal Investigations Division and the Marion County Major Crime Team which includes the sheriff’s office, Keizer Police, Woodburn Police, Salem Police and Linn County Sheriff’s Office.
P.O. BOX 14500, 555 COURT ST NE
TO: All media
FROM: Amy Queen, Deputy District Attorney
DATE: April 30, 2014
RE: Salem Police Officer Involved in Shooting
An investigation is underway conducted by the Oregon State Police (OSP) Criminal Investigations Division and Marion County District Attorney’s Office in compliance with the Marion County Senate Bill 111 protocol into Wednesday morning’s Salem police officer-involved shooting. The Marion County Major Crime Team (HART) was also activated to assist in the investigation including detectives from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Keizer Police Department, Woodburn Police Department, Salem Police Department and Linn County Sheriff’s Office.
At approximately 7:12 a.m., April 30, 2014, officers from the Salem Police Department (SPD) responded to a 911 call of domestic violence with one of the parties armed with a knife at 4792 Lancaster Drive NE, Apartment #121, in Salem. As previously reported, SPD Officer David Baker arrived at the scene and was confronted by 47-year old Michael Conley, who was armed with a knife. Officer Baker ordered Conley to put the knife down and was subsequently shot by the officer as he rushed towards him with the knife. (please note the corrected last name of Michael Conley)
Conley was struck at least one time in the head by a round fired by Officer Baker. Officers immediately administered emergency medical aid to Conley on scene until medics arrived. Conley was transported to Salem Hospital for treatment and was last known to be in critical condition.
The ongoing investigation has revealed Conley was involved in a violent domestic dispute during the early morning hours with his wife, Heidi Conley, age 43, who called 911 after she was threatened with harm. Mrs. Conley was not injured during the domestic altercation or subsequent shooting.
Officer Baker was not injured in the incident and will be placed on administrative leave, a common procedure following an officer-involved shooting. He has been employed with SPD for 14 months.
It is standard procedure for Salem Police Department to request Oregon State Police conduct an independent investigation into incidents of this nature.
The investigation is on-going. The incident scene is currently being examined for evidence related to the shooting. Witnesses and residents in the apartment complex are also being interviewed.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to call the Oregon State Police at 1-800-452-7888. Det. Richard Olsen of the OSP Salem Major Crime Section has been assigned as the lead investigator.
All future updates will be handled by the Marion County District Attorney’s Office, 503-588-5222.
Jackie Ford
Ford, a 25-year-old military veteran, was shot by Salem police officer Trevor Morrison on May 9 during a traffic stop. A witness told media Ford “wrestled” with the officer.
Cause of death confirmed in North Salem police shooting, Statesman Journal, May 12, 2014
Slain woman shot by Salem police in head, chest, KOIN.com, May 11, 2014
Salem police shoot, kill woman after foot chase, KGW.com, May 11, 2014
Witnesses: Veteran Took Final Police Bullet to Head on Her Hands and Knees, Execution Style, Salem-News.com, May 11, 2014
Woman, 25, killed in officer-involved shooting in Salem, The Oregonian, May 10, 2014
Salem Police Officer Involved In Fatal Shooting of Woman, Salem-News.com, May 10, 2014
Salem officer shoots woman, no officers hurt, KTVZ.com, May 10, 2014
Raw footage from scene of shooting
Witnesses describe fatal Salem police shooting
Police say 25-year-old Jacklynn Rashaun Ford was shot after she ran away from a traffic stop near the intersection of Watson Ave Northeast, near Alameda Street.
Several neighbors witnessed the incident, which at first appeared to be a regular traffic stop at about 10 p.m. Friday.
“It did seem a bit weird because it took a long time, I’m guess he had her stopped for about 20 minutes,” said Mark Sharp who lives in the neighborhood and watched what happened.
The traffic stop turned into a tense scene when Ford left the vehicle and started running, according to several witnesses. They heard officer Trevor Morrison yell, “Stop,” and then let his canine Boco chase Ford down.
She was caught about 100 feet away in a small neighborhood park. Sharp said that’s when he saw the suspect and officer Morrison started struggling on the ground.
“I saw them wrestling around on the ground. And when I looked away I heard shots, then saw gun smoke rising up in the air,” said Sharp. “She was on the ground and looked dead because the dog seemed to be dragging her across the grass.”
Family of woman killed by Salem Police speaks out
The woman shot and killed by a Salem Police officer Friday night was tough, but she had a big heart, her family says.
Jacklynn Rashaun Ford was shot to death by an SPD officer after a traffic stop turned into a foot pursuit that began just after 10:00 p.m. Friday night near the intersection of Watson Ave and NE Alameda St. and ended in Eastgate Basin Park.
“I want people to know my daughter Jackie may have made some bad choices in her life but that doesn’t take away from the fact she was a wonderful caring person,” said Ford’s mother, Crystal Ford Knop-Hads. A knock on the door at 4:00 a.m. would change her life forever.
“I love my daughter and she will be dearly missed.”
She said she is left with “lot’s” of unanswered questions for the police. “I just want to know what happened and they won’t tell me anything,” said Ford Knop-Hads.
The chase
The officer, Trevor Morrison, pulled over a minivan Ford was in, officials said. Morrison called for back-up and a foot chase began soon.
Ford ran, and was hit by a bullet. Although she was given first aid by the pursuing officers until medics arrived, she died shortly thereafter at a nearby hospital.
Investigators at the scene found a gun in the location Ford fell, authorities said.
Still, Mark Sharp, who lives near the site of the shooting, said he saw Ford run across the street and wrestle with officers.
“That’s when I hear a man’s voice yelling ‘stop, stop, stop,’” he said.
“I hear ‘pop-pop-pop’ and I’m, like, wait a minute. I saw him standing over her and smoke was rising up from the firearm,” he said.
“The dog had the woman, pulling her, dragging her across the grass then the other officers started showing up.”
He said he noticed red and blue lights near his home, which he determined were caused by the traffic stop. His girlfriend was worried she would be shot, he said.
Troubled past
Ford has a lengthy criminal history, including multiple arrests for possession of meth, burglary, unlawful possession of a firearm, driving while suspended and civil stalking.
Morrison, a 12-year veteran of the force, is on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. Neither he nor his K-9 partner, Baco, were hurt in the chase.
Ford’s family will remember “Jackie” as she was to them.
“She loved to make people laugh and she was full of life,” said Ford Knop-Hads.
KOIN 6 News will continue to follow this story.