FamilyWize® partnership offers free prescription drug discount cards
Go to and get a free prescription drug discount card that lets you save up to 30% or more on 8 out of 10 prescriptions that are not covered or not fully covered by insurance.
You can also contact the United Way Agency nearest you to find out where to get your card. In Portland that number is 503-228-9131.
Present your card and prescription to a participating pharmacy to obtain the discounted price. You always receive the lower of the discounted price or pharmacy’s retail price. Your card that you use can be used only by you and the family members living in your household and can’t be shared with friends. And there is no mail-order prescription service with this card. See their website for complete details.
Some participating pharmacies are Albertsons, Costco, Fred Meyer, K Mart Pharmacy, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Safeway Pharmacy, Shop ’N Save, Wal-Mart Pharmacy and Walgreens. See the FamilyWize website for a complete listing.
Use your card as often as you need. There is no income limit, age requirement, eligibility or registration required. This is not health insurance. Discounts are provided by and available only at participating pharmacies.
FamilyWize encourages you to “email your friends, family members, co-workers, and members of groups you know a link to this website, place a link to this site on your websites and web pages, and print cards for the people you know that do not have Internet access. And please click on the Volunteer Center to get cards and flyers to distribute in your area. Together, we can make a difference! THANK YOU!”
FamilyWize® partnership has the goal of reducing the cost of medicine for children, families and individuals by $100 million. The cards are distributed free of charge nationwide by participating United Ways, community and faith-based organizations, county agencies, doctors, businesses, some pharmacies, and individuals.
The discounts and savings are provided voluntarily by the more than 53,000 participating pharmacies that have agreed to accept this card.