Mental Illness Or Spiritual Awakening?

New Visions of Mind and Crisis with Ed Knight and Will Hall

Wednesday, November 18th, 6 PM – 8:30 PM
Bamboo Grove Salon 134 SE Taylor (on 2nd street between SE Taylor and SE Salmon), Portland OR – Map
$8 – $15 donation (no one turned away) benefits Portland Hearing Voices. Physical mobility accessible; call with other access needs.

Info: Portland Hearing Voices 413-210-2803,

Two spiritual practitioners diagnosed with schizophrenia ask,

    Is “mental illness” spiritual?
    How does trauma relate to enlightenment?
    What do Eastern religious traditions tell us about madness?
    Are there holistic treatment alternatives?
    Can we acknowledge spirit without romanticizing crisis?

Join us for a presentation and discussion to discover new perspectives in mental health.

Ed Knight is dually diagnosed with schizophrenia and alcoholism, the Steward of The Healing Circle, a Zen Peacemaker Circle, and a Senior in the Buddhist Zen Peacemaker Sangha. A widely recognized researcher and teacher in mental illness recovery and mutual support, Ed is Vice President of Recovery, Rehabilitation and Mutual Support at Valueoptions, as well as a mentor in the Prison Dharma Network.

Will Hall is diagnosed with schizophrenia and his advocacy work includes Portland Hearing Voices, Mental Disability Rights International, The Icarus Project, and hosting Madness Radio, heard on KBOO FM. A longtime meditator and yoga practitioner, Will is currently studying Process Oriented Psychology. Will was featured in the Newsweek magazine article “Listening to Madness.”

Tendremos una mini-presentacion en espanol para participantes hispanohablantes.

Radio interviews with Ed Knight and Will Hall here:

Will interviews Ed about Buddhist Meditation and Schizophrenia
Will interviews Ed about Recovery and Transformation

About Portland Hearing Voices: Founded by schizophrenia survivor Will Hall, Portland Hearing Voices organizes support groups, educational events, holistic alternatives, training, and counseling resources for people who experience voices, visions, and different realities often labeled as mental disorders. (Fiscally sponsored by Mental Health Association of Portland)

Co-sponsored by: Portland Hearing Voices and ValueOptions, Portland Evolver, Portland Padmasambhava Buddhist Center, Mental Health Association of Portland, Mental Health Association of Oregon, and Process Work Institute.