Interactive Theater – Raising Awareness about Mental Health
Encouraging Community Participation from Under-Represented Groups
What is Interactive Theater? Short plays requiring problem solving (written mostly by people with mental health issues) are performed first without interruption or solving any issues presented. When repeated, audience volunteers can stop scenes, replace characters and act out potential solutions. Discussion follows each intervention.
Performances are free (donations welcome). Light refreshments provided. Wheelchair accessible.
1 in 5 people deal with a mental health issue
Saturday, November 10th 2007 2 – 4 PM – Portland Community College – Cascade Campus
705 N. Killingsworth Street, Moriarty Arts and Humanities Building Auditorium
Irvington Community Association
Thursday, November 8th 2007 8 – 8:45 PM – Irvington Elementary School, 1320 NE Brazee Street
King Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, November 14th 2007 7 – 7:30 PM – King Facility, 4815 NE 7th Ave, Community Court Room
A project of Act for Action – Theater for All, From the Inside Out explores issues of mental health through interactive theater and participatory workshops. This performance is made possible due to the generous support of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, in their efforts to encourage participation from under-represented groups.
Info: 503-267-5081