Meet Ed Garren

The race for Portland City Commission, Position No. 3 has drawn an unusual mix of candidates – even a board member from the Mental Health Association of Portland – to run against incumbent Dan Saltzman. These include Dan, Jesse Cornett, Mary Volm, Spencer Burton, Ed Garren, Martha Perez and Michael Courtney. We’ve asked them all (but Jason) to tell us their position on mental health issues.

Meet Ed Garren, candidate for Portland City Commission, Position No. 3

There are 8 candidates in the race for seat #3, Portland City Commission. I am the only licensed clinician in the race, I have been a licensed LMFT since 1990 (in Oregon since 2007). I have provided direct support or management in programs which serve homeless, alcoholics and addicts, persons with mental health needs, and families. I also have six years experience of consulting work with the Los Angeles and Long Beach police departments dealing with the types of community issues we are now facing in Portland.

The vital work we do is always the first thing that gets cut when times get hard (along with the arts), and after decades of cuts, we are overworked, underfunded and our community faces serious problems, particularly homeless persons with mental health and addiction issues. We need to provide housing for these people, and the rate at which we are doing it is not acceptable.

You can find a lot of information about my candidacy, my stand on many issues, my resume, and other items on my campaign web site, I can be emailed at if you have any specific questions.

Thank you for your time and interest, Edward “Ed” Garren, MA, LMFT