The following article is presented as news relevant to the mental health community, but please note the video is a political advertisement. We are posting it because it features Richard Harris, the former head of addictions and mental health for the Oregon Health Authority. This posting should not be taken as indicative of MHAP’s position on the issue, pro or con. –Eds.
The campaign behind an Oregon ballot measure that would legalize marijuana for adults says it’s buying $2.3 million worth of television advertising.
The debate is shaping up to be lopsided; nobody with deep pockets has stepped forward to make the case against legalized marijuana.
Legalization proponents on Monday released a YouTube video that they will form the basis for their first television commercial. It shows the former head of addictions and mental health services for the Oregon Health Authority. Richard Harris says that marijuana “is a pretty benign drug,” and efforts to control it have failed.
Records submitted to the Federal Communications Commission by television stations indicate the ads will begin airing on Sept. 22 in Portland and Eugene, and a few weeks later in Medford and Bend.