Heroin kills more Oregonians in 2009 than cocaine and meth combined

From The Oregonian, April 5, 2010

Heroin accounted for 127 overdoses in 2009, killing more Oregonians than methamphetamine and cocaine combined.

The number of heroin deaths in the state marked the most since 2000, when there were 131.

Meanwhile, deaths stemming from the use of cocaine, methamphetamine and the combination of the three drugs were down.

READ – the rest of Heroin kills more Oregonians in 2009 than cocaine and meth combined

READ – Prying heroin’s grip loose, editorial, The Oregonian, April 5, 2010

READ – Heroin deaths spike as medical examiner tallies Oregon drug deaths, KATU.com, April 5, 2010

READ – Reed College addresses heroin deaths, KGW.com, April 5, 2010

READ – Heroin says hello to a new generation, The Oregonian, June 22, 2008

READ – Oregon’s drug problem: Social programs, schools can help beat addiction, guest editorial by Dwight C. Holton, U.S. attorney for Oregon, March 13, 2010

READ – the state medical examiner’s report on illegal drug-related deaths (heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine) in 2009.

Do you want to stop using heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine? The first stop for many people is Hooper Detox. Give them a call today at 503-238-2067. Get started on your new life.