Eyes & Ears – May 2011

Here’s the May 2011 edition of Eyes & Ears, a mental health consumer run newsletter for consumers, their friends & family and mental health professionals.          

Download and read the May 2011 issue at:

Online Reading Version of Eyes & Ears – with links

Full article version of Eyes & Ears –  for printing

Contact the editor at eyes.ears@cascadiabhc.org

Included in this issue:
* Swinging doors at the state hospital
* Doubts, Warnings to Lawmakers Fill Transformation Testimony
* Kitzhaber, Feds could meet soon about OSH
* Honoring Patients’ Advance Directives
* Oregon safety net programs should get first bite of any new revenue, says Kitzhaber
* FolkTime changes, DSM5 available for comments, Poetry & Mental Health
* Extra on the online version with links: Portland’s most vulnerable have a shot at a free home, The Numbers Have Dropped But Meth Still Takes Its Toll; and more
* Coming Events: NAMI Walk, NAMI’s Open Minds Art Studio, Rethinking Psychiatry Two-Day Symposium, Mental Diversity Meetups, Hearing Voices of Portland Celbration, and national mental health conferences

Besides other news there are a variety of listings of meetings, services, support groups, job opportunities and more.