Here’s the January 2012 edition of Eyes & Ears, a mental health consumer run newsletter for consumers, their friends & family and mental health professionals.
Download and read the January 2012 issue at:
Online Reading Version of Eyes & Ears – with links
Full article version of Eyes & Ears – for printing
New Eyes & Ears email address
Contact the editor at
Included in this issue:
* Interviews with Kristi and Gina of Empowerment Initiatives
* Oregon Health Transformation news
* News on the increases in the Federal mental health services and research budgets
* Alternative mental health program articles including a look at the Open Dialogue program
* DSM-5 news
* Shelter helps Portland’s homeless women
* Extra on the online version with links: Street Root series on autism; Huge HUD budget cuts; Bud Clark Commons update; Lives Restored – managing mental illness; and more
* Coming Events: Rethinking Psychiatry 2012 Winter Film Festival; Introduction to Open Dialogue workshop; Rethinking Psychiatry meeting; and more
Besides other news there are a variety of listings of meetings, services, support groups, job opportunities and more.
I just withdrew from a benzodiazepine. Used the Ashton manual/method, hook 11months. Now have 7.5mg of Paxil to withdraw from. My husband is preparing to withdraw from . These prescription drugs are wildly popular and a night mare to withdraw from. A minority of people withdraw quickly and easily, the rest of us go through hell and we are quite alone. Docs and psyche are grossly uninformed about the safest ways to withdraw. I have a Facebook website called Benzo Beware with some very helpful info and ways to approach docs to get the help you need. Sadly you are on your own therefore the forums mentioned can be of great help.
Note: almost all of the help comes from the UK. In the US, big pharma seems to have a stranglehold on the medical profession. Information is sparse and getting help possible, but difficult. Millions are addicted and don’t know what to do. I would be willing to put an article together regarding this sad phenomenon if you are interested. Check out the web site tabs to see the quality of the information I would be using. Feel free to ask questions!
You have a great paper!