Eyes & Ears – February 2012

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Here’s the February 2012 edition of Eyes & Ears, a mental health consumer run newsletter for consumers, their friends & family and mental health professionals.

Download and read the February 2012 issue at:

Online Reading Version of Eyes & Ears – with links
Full article version of Eyes & Ears – for printing

Contact the editor at eyes.ears_newsletter@yahoo.com

Included in this issue:
* MHAP’s Kickstarter Fundraising Campaign for Eyes&Ears
* Portland Hearing Voices Expands to Weekly Meetings & also starts new Women Survivors of Sexual Trauma support group
* Part 2 of Interview with Gina of Empowerment Initiatives
* Oregon Health Transformation news
* Aaron Campbell’s $1.2 Million Settlement
* U.S. Justice Dept. to hold town hall forum Feb. 28th on Portland police use of force
* Extra on the online version with links: Discrimination, Serious Mental Illness and Health Care Professionals; Foundation for Excellence in Mental Healthcare Begins funding First Projects; Release System at State Hospital Debuts; Portland Candidates 2012; and more
* Coming Events: Rethinking Psychiatry 2012 Winter Film Festival; Introduction to Open Dialogue workshop;  Rethinking Psychiatry meeting; Money Basics; and more

Besides other news there are a variety of listings of meetings, services, support groups, job opportunities and more.

Please take a few moments to:
read about our Kickstarter Fundraising Campaign for Eyes & Ears,
and then:
Donate to Eyes & Ears on Kickstarter!

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