Eyes & Ears – August 2011

Clipart NewspaperHere’s the August 2011 edition of Eyes & Ears, a mental health consumer run newsletter for consumers, their friends & family and mental health professionals.

Download and read the August 2011 issue at:

Online Reading Version of Eyes & Ears – with links

Full article version of Eyes & Ears – for printing

Contact the editor at eyes.ears@cascadiabhc.org

Included in this issue:

* Tri-County Metro-Area Consumer/Survivor Council Meeting
* US Dept. of Justice gathering testimony in investigation of the Portland Police Bureau
* Consulting firm report indicates improvement at OSH
* State settles part of lawsuit over peer-run mental health care provider’s closure
* Cascadia’s new Peer Wellness Specialist Training starts Sept. 14th
* Karl Brimmer, Director of Multnomah County’s Mental Health & Addiction Services Division, Retires
* Extra on the online version with links: Peers ‘who have been there’ guide recovery; In Defense of Psychiatric Medications, Part Two; Antipsychotic Doesn’t Ease Veterans’ Post-Traumatic Stress, Study Finds; and more
* Coming August Events: Rethinking Psychiatry general meeting; Annual NAMI potluck picnic, NorthStar Art Exhibit; and more

Besides other news there are a variety of listings of meetings, services, support groups, job opportunities and more.

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