Announcement – Oregon Advocacy Award

Nominate a mental health or addiction advocate for the Oregon Advocacy Award here.

The Oregon Advocacy Award is given annually to a great advocate for people with mental illness and addiction in Oregon.

The Advocacy Award is given by the Mental Health Association of Portland at the Oregon Law & Mental Health Conference. The winner is announced prior to the annual conference, and given at the conference.

The Award represents the perspective of persons represented by advocacy – persons who have experienced mental illness and addiction.

Advocacy Award Committee Members for 2018

Lakeesha Dumas – Office of Consumer Engagement Coordinator, Multnomah County
Mike Hlebechuk – Oregon Health Authority, retired
Stephanie Matheson – Youth Without Borders, Klamath Basin
Lisa Naito – Naito Public Affairs
Bob Joondeph – Disability Rights Oregon
Brenton Gicker – White Bird Clinic, Eugene

Complete Award information is here.